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Best Vaser Liposuction Miami

Get the body you deserve!

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Liposuction removes fat deposits from under your skin. VASER Liposuction in Miami refers to a type of Liposuction that breaks apart fat cells with ultrasound energy, which makes them more easily extracted from your deeper tissues.

What is VASER Liposuction?

VASER Liposuction, also known as High Definition Vaser Liposuction, is a less invasive procedure than traditional Liposuction, this technique is most commonly used to remove fat from the abdominal, hip and waist areas. The difference between this technique and traditional Liposuction is that ultrasonic waves are emitted by cannula in this case.

The process includes a machine which uses ultrasonic vibrations to break up the fat cells. This does not affect other tissues such as blood vessels and nerves, which means that it reduces pain and inflammation in the postoperative period.

This procedure is useful for both men and women who are physically fit, but want greater visibility of their muscles.

One-of-a-kind precision body sculpting

VASERlipo® utilizes ultrasound energy for minimally invasive aesthetic body contouring that yields dramatic results with less pain and downtime than traditional liposuction.

Minimally Invasive Body Contouring

An alternative to the harsh techniques of traditional liposuction, VASER® is minimally invasive yet powerful enough to eliminate large areas of fat and gentle enough to treat more delicate areas.

Immediate and Precise Sculpting

VASER® removes visible amounts of fat immediately. Its a step-up from non-invasive procedures that rely on secondary reactions to reduce small amounts of fat over an extended time.

Treat Multiple Areas in a Single Procedure

VASER® can sculpt and shape multiple areas in a single procedure, including: jowls, chin and neck, abs, hips or love handles, male and female breasts, arms, back, buttocks or thighs, knees, calves or ankles.

Less Pain, Swelling and Downtime

VASER® is unique in its ability to target fat while leaving other important tissues intact, giving you the smoother contours you want with less pain and recovery time than traditional liposuction.

VASER Hi Def Liposuction Before and After

Vaser Lipo near me, we are waiting for you

Come visit us at our Plastic Surgery Center to experience what sets us apart from other companies.
We are located in the heart of Miami on the emblematic Calle 8.

Our Location:
4950 SW 8th St Coral Gables, FL 33134

Office Hours:
Monday trough Friday 9:00am – 6:00pm
Saturday 9:00am – 2:00pm
Sunday closed

(305) 406-9055

Schedule your free consultation

The first step in getting a Hi Def Lipo is to schedule a consultation with us. This consultation will be free and you will have the opportunity to ask any questions you have about the procedure before making any decisions.

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